Ok, I'll make my return with, what I think, most fascinating fruit. It's not healthy, load of carbs from large amount of sugar and fats, strong odor. Some say its odor is so unpleasant and unbearable, some say it's tasty smelly. After you eat durian, its odor can still with you for half a day. People can tell you've eaten it when you burp hehe....
Durian normally comes out from May to Aug or probably until late Sep. In Thailand, it comes with 2 famous varieties, Chanee (gibbon in English) and Monthong (golden pillow, let's see if you can sleep on it.) Chanee is more yellowish, less flesh and less sweet than Monthong. Monthong is more popular because it's sweeter, more flesh and creamer taste. The one I tried (on May, don't worry, pictures don't stale) was Monthong.
Ah! and in Thailand, we believe that durian must not be eaten with alcohol. Rumor is that it can be fatal. I never dare to try. Finally, what's healthy about durian? Well, no, we've been told that people with obesity and high blood pressure should avoid durian. Just solely personal pleasure though!!
See what's left......